Dance News 3/26/2021

Mar 26th , 2021

Hi Everyone,

It's been a long time since I've written an update.  

This is going to be really short.  I will start writing again on a more regular basis soon.

Things I know are happening.....

1. Cancun Cantina - Line dancing on Wednesdays, Country Bands on Fridays, Country DJ on Saturdays.  I am not fully up on the rules they are observing, so you'll need to check elsewhere for that information.

2. Sandy Garrish is dancing at Hawks on at least one night of the week, but I'm not sure as of this moment whether it's Tuesday or Wednesday.  I need to do more research.

3. Sharon Hume is running her lessons & dancing in Frederick and Westminster during the week.

4. Rainbow Road is open.  So far, I've only seen Karaoke.

5.  COUNTRY BY THE BAY RETURNS ON 4/10!!  We'll have mandatory masks and reservations.  Email me or PM me on Facebook for reservations (or text me if you have my #). 

More next week, I hope.


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